Use "laws of war|law of war" in a sentence

1. We have new wrinkles in the laws of war and accountability.

2. Unfortunately, in the heat of battle, the laws of war do not exactly Come to mind.

3. Achinese War synonyms, Achinese War pronunciation, Achinese War translation, English dictionary definition of Achinese War

4. Abrahamic Code Of War; Abrahamic Code Of War

5. Belligerency (bəlĭj`ərənsē), in international law, status of parties legally at war

6. These laws confirm that the wilful commission of such prohibited acts constitutes a war crime.

7. An immediate result/effect of the war was a breakdown of law and order.

8. Belligerency (bəlĭj`ərənsē), in international law, status of parties legally at war.Belligerency exists in a war war, armed conflict between states or nations (international war) or between factions within a state (civil war), prosecuted by force and having the purpose of …

9. He's interested in the branch of international law that deals with war crimes.

10. Amtracs of World War II and Korean War

11. War movies were the other first casualty of war.

12. Whatever laws we pass we'll still be shot, if we lose this war.

13. We think in terms of war and interstate war.

14. Korean War - Korean War - Armistice: The battle of the Kŭmsong salient ended the shooting war

15. Cauldrons of War is a serie of wargames Cauldrons of War -Stalingrad

16. We see newsreel footage of cavalry, blazing buildings, war planes - from revolutions, civil war, world war.

17. Other branches of public law include securities laws, labor laws, and antitrust laws.

18. Agamemnon War is not woman's part, nor war of words

19. Bushwhacking was a form of guerrilla warfare during the American Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and American Civil War

20. Guardians of the Hindu Kush (Total War: Attila) Gyan-Avspar (Total War: Attila) H Hearth Guard (Total War: Attila) Hephthalite Chargers (Total War: Attila) Herculiani Seniores (Total War: Attila) Heroic Cavalry (Total War: Attila) Hetaireia Guards (Total War: Attila)

21. This bombing was indiscriminate, a violation of international humanitarian law and constitutes a war crime;

22. Attacks on humanitarian aid workers are war crimes in international law.

23. The Pomeranian War was a theatre of the Seven Years' War.

24. But hardships are part of war, and war is an aggregation of hardships.

25. World War I was a war of Artillery - The Big Guns

26. The laws of war may have one other function in the contemporary era - helping to harmonise standards between allies.

27. The Fog of War.

28. the God of War.

29. Argentine War of Independence

30. A permanent state of war with the community was untenable, but the law must be enforced.

31. After working at the War Department, in January 1895 he became director of the General War Department in the Ministry of War.

32. Sherman called this harsh tactic of material war "hard war" (in modern times this is known as total war).

33. Korean War, which broke out in the early years of the Cold War after World War II, was the first hot war during the Cold War period, and one of the severe conflicts between the East and the West.

34. There can be no reconciliation until war crime suspects are held accountable in a court of law.

35. This is a new kind of war, a war without honour, without end.

36. The Japanese prisoners of war were repatriated to their homeland after the war.

37. The increasing tension of a cold war could lead to a hot war.

38. Prevailing international law, however, prohibits amnesties that cover crimes against humanity, war crimes or acts of genocide

39. The Boer War, or South African War, of 1899-1902 was pretty pointless.

40. He argued against the wars of the Crimean War and The SecondOpium War.

41. Fucking act of war, mate.

42. Councils of war never fight.

43. The right of proclaiming war.

44. Here's my tool of war.

45. Deserters? Escaped prisoners of war?

46. The country was under martial law, since civil war was raging in Greece.

47. Terrorism and acts of war

48. Goddesses of Fertility and War

49. War or not war, they don't mind.

50. Beja War Cemetery contains 396 Commonwealth burials of the Second World War, 87 of them unidentified

51. About 65 US prisoners of war were held there during the middle of the Vietnam War.

52. Map of Crimean War, 1853-1856 Battle of Sinope (November 30, 1853) shell-firing artillery guns Battle of Sinope (3000 Ottoman soldiers killed) Crimean War March 28, 1854: Britain and France declared war on Russia Crimean Peninsula Sevastopol Map of Crimean War, 1853-1856 Crimean War War Correspondents Nicholas I: No spies, all we need is the

53. Antiwar definition, against war or a particular war: the Antiwar movement of the 1960s

54. In a very real sense, post - war repression was the continuation of the war.

55. Through World War II, the War Department had leased exclusive use of the field.

56. The Biafran war also known as the Nigerian Civil War was a war between the Nigerian Government and the state of secessionist

57. The 1965 war witnessed some of the largest tank battles since World War II.

58. After the war, Dayton studied law and created a practice, dividing his time between land speculation, law, and politics.

59. The scion of the god of war...

60. Hsinbyushin had also organized a flotilla of war boats to meet the Chinese war boats.

61. He went on to command the 6th War Area for the rest of the war.

62. Tales of a cold war submariner.

63. 1962 – Algerian War of Independence ends.

64. War Bequeaths a Distrust of Government

65. This is an act of war.

66. His acts are acts of war.

67. Clouds of War on the Horizon

68. Federation is an act of war.

69. Specific Characteristics of our People's War.

70. It was a war of attrition .

71. (Part of the Seven Years' War).

72. They mimed a tug of war.

73. The specter of war loomed ahead.

74. Such was the war of attrition.

75. But that's an act of war!

76. Declaration of war was not made.

77. " The supreme art of war, " Father.

78. Prevention of Nuclear War Agreement: 1973.

79. No, this isn't tug of war.

80. Belligerency exists in a war war, armed conflict between states or nations (international war) or between factions within a state (civil war), prosecuted by force and having the purpose of compelling the …